Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Kindergarten Teachers of Missouri Unite!

July 29th - July 30th I attended the "Kindergarten" Conference of Missouri.
Again I will say..... I attended a Kindergarten Conference. I was definitely knew to this very "grade" specific type of conference. I will even take it to say that I had asked one teacher what grade she taught. I was given a response with a crowd of laughter around me, "Kindergarten". Oh well!
After attended this conference I know I am meant to teach this grade... (please don't make me eat my words later). All of the presenters and attendees made Kindergarten look FUN sound FUN be FUN and made learning look FUN!  {Isn't this the reason all of us educators go into teaching... to make learning fun and produce little people who just burst at the seem for more knowledge?} Now these same presenters and attendees made Kindergarten seem easy AHH.. I don't want to use that word... but they make it seem like learning is everywhere and opportunities to grow are at each and every corner. They don't make it seem easy, but they make it seem like everything is possible! I hope I can give this enthusiasm to my little Kindergarteners coming up in just a few short weeks. Now if only I could sort through all my ideas and make a PLAN & stick to it.
Before the conference I attended I had never heard of Jack Hartmann. Well how could I be a Kindergarten teacher and never attended a session presented by this MUSICAL MAN. I was lucky to see him in action before I start my first year. This man is awesome.  I am obsessed with this song... Penguin Dance!
At the conference I also heard from Mrs. Jump's Class (and of course bought a couple of her products). Her "All Set? You Bet!" packet has some goodies. I heard from Cheryl's Classroom Tips and she teaches in Missouri, so I thought she was fabulous. Check out her video mini-lesson on writing! The other two presenters I appreciated were The Stem Lady (amazing quick setup up, but high quality centers) and Hey, You Look Like A Teacher's Lori Elliott.   
Time to get Back To School ready!

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